There are many ways to tell someone you are interested in them. And you do not need to verbally tell them. A lot can be said about a person's body language. In fact, without the right body
language, you risk losing your girl of interest before you even speak your first word. Below are things to consider with body language

Look at her eyes
Simple eye contact can go a long way to showing interest. Flirting using eye contact is fairly simple. She will know you are interested if you have a slight sparkle in your eye. That shows that
you are very interested. Another thing to look for is to look at someone only to get caught and look away. If you look back once you are caught, it gives a clue to the other person that you are interested.
Your facial expressions speak volumes
When in a conversation with someone a simple smile can mean that they are interested in you. For example, if your interested party keeps smiling for no apparent reason, they are interested in you. To subconsciously raise an eyebrow is also known to be a flirting sign.
Slight and subtle touching
Nothing says heavy flirting is better than invading someone's personal space. Light brushing on the shoulders to friendly punches is all known to be signs of flirting.
How men and women are different
Women are known to visibly show stronger signs of flirting. This can be anything from constantly playing with her hair, biting her lower lip, licking her lips, and even loving taps.
Men on the other hand turn to the alpha role to attract women. They want to show that they are in charge, have broad shoulders, and stand tall. They will try to appear as leaders to impress their potential mates.
How to read signs of attraction
Attraction is present when you start noticing these signs: prolonged eye contact, raising of eyebrows, smiling back, laughing with you, leaning, being closer than normal, similar energy in
body language, touching, preening, and the like. If you received these signs, it means there is a big possibility that you could take your interaction to a higher level.
How to read that you are in the red zone Get Away!
It can be tough to gauge whether someone is interested in you or not. Generally, if they are not keeping eye contact, are not interested in what you have to say, and their facial expressions are neutral, then they are not interested in you.

Once you learn to detect signs of attraction in body language, it is then up to you to decide whether to take your flirting further or not. Remember that just because someone is flirting with you
does not mean that you will score yourself a date. Many factors come into play in successful dating, body language is just one of them.