There are a few different types of cannabis seeds, and this can impact the plant’s final yield, as well as what kind of affects you can expect from using it. Here is a breakdown of each type:
Hybrid – A hybrid cannabis seed will contain some mix between two different varieties, which results in increased potency and yields. Hybrids often have darker colors than either parent variety and will produce plants with greater flavor and bud structure.
indica or sativa? The answer to this question largely comes down to personal preference; however, most growers would recommend starting out with a hybrid.
Landrace – A landrace cannabis seed is the purest form of any particular variety and will not contain any other strains’ genetic material. These seeds are often found in isolated areas, meaning
that there is little chance of crossbreeding happening between them and other varieties (meaning you can expect more of a consistent flavor from these plants).
feminized cannabis seeds? Female cannabis plants produce flowers which contain only female THC levels- this means that they will not produce any psychoactive effects. Feminized cannabis
seeds produce plants which contain both male and female THC levels, meaning that they will create seeds that can be used to grow more female plants in the future (thus increasing your yield).
Cannabis sativa is a species of the hemp plant, and it's one of the most commonly used plants in the world. Sativa strains are preferred by many marijuana users because they provide a more cerebral high than indica strains do. They're also better for daytime use because they don't make you as sleepy.
What are cannabis seeds?
A cannabis seed is a tiny object that contains both the germination nucleus and some viable plant embryo inside it. When you buy cannabis seeds online or from a dispensary, you're actually
buying packets of these seeds. The packet will tell you which kind of strain (indica, sativa, hybrid) is
inside them, but beyond that it's up to your discretion as to how to grow them!

How do I sprout weed Seeds?
This can be done several ways - simply put water into an unsealed vessel with your desired number of Cannabis Seeds and place this vessel somewhere warm (between 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit), such as on top of your oven or in direct sunlight. Make sure there's plenty of fresh air circulating
around the container so that moisture doesn't build up and cause mold growth. After two weeks have passed since planting your seeds, remove them from their potting soil and try cutting one open to see if its germinated - if so then congratulations; else continue following instructions until all seeds have been successfully planted
Cannabis Indica is a subtype of cannabis that is used to create medical marijuana. Cannabis indica contains higher levels of CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC, which are the two primary
psychoactive compounds in cannabis. This makes it ideal for people who want to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC, but still seek relief from conditions such as pain, anxiety, and epilepsy.
How do I choose the right Cannabis indica seeds?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question since different strains will work better for different individuals. However, some things you should consider include your intended usage (medical or
recreational), desired cannabinoid profile (high CBD or high THC?), price point, ease of growability/plants per square foot requirements, flavor preferences...etc.
If you plan to grow your own cannabis, it is important to know how to store the seeds long term. There are a few different methods that can be used, and each has its own benefits and limitations.

- The refrigerator: This is the most traditional way to store cannabis seeds, and it's usually the safest method. Seeds should be stored in a cool and dark place (below freezing temperatures are ideal), away from moisture, heat, light, magnets, and other metals.
- The freezer: Freezing cannabis seeds will kill any germs or bacteria that may have been on them at the time of purchase. It also destroys any potential buds or plants that might have grown from
them while they were frozen. However, freezing damages seed viability so only use this method if you're absolutely sure that you will not need the seeds for another year or two.
- The paper towel roll: This is an easy but temporary solution for storing small amounts of cannabis seeds. Simply wrap a piece of paper towel around each seed then put them inside a plastic baggie. Please note - this method is not recommended for larger quantities because it's difficult to keep everything organized.